Dental Care Is Important For Your Entire Family's Health

A healthy mouth contributes to a healthy body. Everything that enters your mouth affects you. When you don’t have regular dental care, bacteria and decay can develop in your teeth. Bacteria contribute to your body working harder to fight off germs.

If your child’s teeth have started to appear, they should be seen by a pediatric dentist. Your child should visit Anson County Family and Pediatric Dentistry by the time they turn one, whether or not their teeth have appeared. The reason your child should visit a dentist at a young age is because of the importance of their baby teeth. Their baby teeth help them speak clearly and make a path for their adult teeth to follow. They should be cleaned and checked. Their bite also needs examined for proper chewing.

As your child grows, ACFP Dentistry can follow the growth of your child’s teeth. For example, if their adult teeth are coming in crooked or pressing on the roots of the baby teeth, they can take the necessary measures to straighten the incoming tooth. This is very important in case the baby tooth would become infected, which is known as an abscessed tooth.

When a pediatric dentist examines your child on a twice-a-year basis, they can offer alternative treatments if your child’s teeth are not aligned. This could save you money in the future with braces. The dentist can also monitor your child’s wisdom teeth so they do not begin to crowd your child’s other teeth and lead to them shifting. When you start your child's dental care at an early age, the child will be more likely to continue good oral hygiene habits into adult life.

If your child falls and chips a tooth, the dentist will be able to stabilize and fix the tooth. At Anson County Family and Pediatric Dentistry, they offer emergency services to you and your family. You don’t have to wait until regular office hours or go to an emergency room to have the problem addressed.

Dental care is just as important to you as it is to your children. You should visit your dentist twice a year for cleanings and exams. Once a year you should have x-rays taken of your mouth to check for decay in between your teeth. If a cavity is found, you should have it filled as soon as possible.

Proper teeth cleaning by a dentist reduces your chances of gum disease. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. It decays the bone around the roots of your teeth. If not taken care of properly, your teeth will die and fall out. To continue enjoying the healthy smile you were born with, visit your dentist regularly.